
All of my work is licensed under the Bread License 4.20, which states that “all belongs to all.” For the full license, read the bread book.

Concurrently, my work is in the public domain, released under the CC-Zero license, meaning that anyone who wants to use anything I have written for any purpose is unconditionally free to do. This overrides my previous license which required attribution.

In more specific terms:

To the extent possible under law, Catherine B. Krause has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to everything published under her name or her alternate pseudonym, Valeria Numinosa.

Though my work is released under CC-Zero, I do have some non-binding requests for people who use my work:

  • Attribution: Attribution is greatly appreciated.
  • Similar license: I know this isn’t always possible. If it is though, consider releasing any derivative works under a CC-0 license or even a CC-BY license. It’s, again, the ethical way to make use of free culture.
  • Non-exploitation: If somehow you make a significant amount of money off my work, give me my share. If you make a pittance off my work though, please keep it. Unless you don’t need it, then I’ll gladly take it, because I could use it.

Please also feel completely free to contact me to ask questions (for example, about how a certain word ought to be translated), or to ask for my official authorization (which you don’t need but which I may be willing to give out if the above criteria are agreed upon), etc.. I also love to hear from anyone who uses my work or has a plan to do so, even when the plan never materializes.

Catherine B. Krause